Today, porn is the dominant source of sex education for young men, which skews their relationship with sex and their partners. They have a deformed view of reality and give less and less of an importance to listening, the desires of others, and the importance of foreplay. As a leader in the conversation about intimacy, sexual wellness brand Skyn decided to challenge this and use porn to address the problem. By leveraging voices young people would listen to when it comes to sex advice: the pornstars themselves. Super(porn)stars Stoya and Dale Cooper participated in the campaign which was distributed on Pornhub. The porn site with the most web traffic. Starting on 16 April, Pornhub viewers will discover a pre-roll ad featuring these 2 pornstars. 2 sensual videos of foreplay shot in 35mm by Sergi Castella (CREAM), in which Stoya and Dale address viewers directly: « You can skip an ad, but you shouldn’t skip foreplay ». A montage breaking the codes of the category inviting people to take their time.